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The Castle of Graasten in Südjütland (Photo: Cees van Roeden/ The Castle of Graasten in Südjütland (Photo: Cees van Roeden/

After the division of Schleswig into the Danish north and the German Südschleswig (in 1864/1920) the real Südschleswig is understood in Germany as Schleswig, though it was named in Denmark. The northern Schleswig is an official province of Südjütland. In the beginning of 2007 the former province of Südjütland has developed into a rather powerful and strong region. Südjütland is located in the Danish south of the peninsula of Jütland together with the island of Alsen which is сonnected by bridges with Sønderborg and the mainland. The Jütland peninsula runs in the direction from the north to the south. Its eastern part together with the Baltic coast is rather hilly.

The biggest cities of Südjütlands which are close to the Baltic Sea are Hadersleben, Abenrade and Sønderborg. The whole region is known for the water sports. And Alsen is the real fishing heaven. In the northern part of it there is a unique European technology Experience Park which originates from Danfoss University.

Today Südjütland is a place of the bridges between Germany and Denmark, but also it’s a region with many traces of former civilizations.

Photo: Cees van Roeden/

Harbour of Sønderborg (Photo: Gorm Casper/


The city of Sønderburg in Denmark is situated in one of the most beautiful places of Südjütland on the island of Alsen on the...
